This is the Essentials version of the pack. PSDK version available on the Pokemon Workshop Forums!
Are you a solo dev struggling to fill all the roles?
Are you adept at writing and designing, and in need of a ready-made playground for your ideas?
Are you a designer lacking a knack for mapping?
Do you want to practice your mapping by altering an existing region?
Are you short on time yet you want to explore your creativity?
Are you tired of looking for the right music for your Kanto projects?
Fret not for I present you: The gen 4-style Kanto Map Pack with Audio!
Especially useful for beginners wanting to kickstart their project, for game jammers, but also for veterans who've gotten too jaded to make new maps, cause they've been spending too much time on the internet doing nothing.
This map pack has been adapted from The First Journey's adjustment of JohtoBlaziken's original Kanto maps, https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=407866 , and remade to suit the purposes of a map pack resource easily usable and editable by anyone regardless of experience. Maps are fully connected.
Please note that due to the The First Journey taking place around 1950-60, some towns (and a couple of routes) look a bit different. I haven't had enough time to make it look like modern HGSS Kanto, but this is almost a complete map pack so I think it's still worth it. You are more than encouraged to contribute.
- Fully connected overworld maps
- Gen 4 HGSS modified tiles (please see credits). You may change these as you see fit, they serve as a placeholder
- Basic Autotiles
- Basic Passability
- All Town and Route Themes, Trainer, Gym and Wild Battle themes, and Surf and Bicycle Themes remastered based on FRLGs music
Included Maps:
- Every Route and every Town
- Mt. Moon
- Viridian Forest
- Rock Tunnel
- Diglett's Cave
- Seafoam Island
Excluded Maps:
- Building Interiors
- Cerulean Cave
- Victory Road
Essentials sometimes glitches map connections out. This may result in memory leaks and weird bugs like seeing edges of maps where they shouldn't be.
I have noticed it happening like this:
- random maps are being connected to other random maps
- The PBS file for map connections gets overwritten too!
To avoid this, make your map_connections.txt read-only upon connecting new maps. (RMXP will complain and set it to normal next time you open, so every change you make in your map connections, make sure to copy your PBS contents to a text file in your desktop, and then compare the two files to see if any weird thing has happened).
If you don't make any changes to the the map connections in this pack, you won't be affected anyway.
I would kindly ask you to please contribute with graphics, map additions, and map improvements! This is an open project by definition, using public resources.
Arrangement of exterior tileset's first half is a bit weird due to it being modeled on top of JBs and Essentials older default. However, it's very compact and easy to edit.
The goal of this map pack is to offer an easy to use gen 4 region template, not to faithfully recreate Kanto 1:1.
Music tracks aren't loop-tagged yet, hopefully I'll find the time in the future. All tracks are very small in size, I've tried my best to hit the sweet spot between quality and size. Your game will be very fast to download! Hope you enjoy the music!
Make sure to give credit accordingly (see credits.txt). And please help with finding bugs and mapping errors!
The PBS is different for V20+ , if you are using an older version you might need to manually connect the maps. I suggest you install this on a v20 vanilla, then go to in-game debug > information editors > edit map connections, and see how the maps have been connected.
You may delete any vanilla leftover empty maps, as well as maps named "extra".
How to use:
Clean Install:
1) Open a clean copy of Essentials. Create a new map, it should be blank. Most likely, it will be MAP022. Keep making maps until you the last map you make is called "MAP048".
2) Close RMXP.
3) Copy the map pack's contents over. Should ask to replace.
4) Open RMXP, go to your intro map and set it to tileset 21, and paint over with the black tile.
5) It would be best to clear your metadata PBS (version 18) or map_metadata PBS (version 20+) file of any entries below the global metadata (anything after map 001). Else you might get some weird leftover effects from the default maps.
6) Hit playtest and let the project compile
7) Close RMXP.
Closing and reopening RMXP updates data files, so it's an important step.
Dirty Install (existing projects):
1) Create 71 new maps inside RMXP, save, then close the program
2) Open RMXP again, wait a bit, then close it
3) Open the Map pack folder "Data". Inside rename every map (except for the last three) into your desired map number (so if your project has 100 maps already, you must start by renaming "Map002" to "Map101", and so forth.
4) Once done, copy your maps over to your project. PLEASE DO NOT COPY MAPINFOS.RXDATA!
5) Copy the tileset graphic over to your "Tilesets" folder
6) Open RMXP and go to your tileset database. 21 and 22 are the Map Pack's tilesets (so if you already have tilesets there, the maps might look wonky).
7) Create a new tileset and select KANTO50OUT and another one with KANTO50CAVES
8) Now, on a different, new, default Essentials project, copy over everything from the map pack folder (should ask to replace)
9) Open that project, go to the database and Copy the exterior tileset from the database
10) Paste to your normal project's Tileset for which you chose the graphic in step 7)
11) do the same for the caves
12) Save and close RMXP
13) You might need to re-set the new tileset you've just copied for each map, under each map's properties, since the pack's maps are expecting Tileset 21 and 22.
14) You're done, what's left is for you to manually connect the maps. You can see how the maps are connected in the new project you've made in step 8).
~ Original FRLG maps ~
~ Tiles ~
SirMalo's HGSS Rips for RMXP
(make sure you credit everyone else mentioned there)La Pampa - Epic Adventures > Tileset from Pokemon Epic Adventures (La Pampa) https://pokemonworkshop.com/forum/index.php?topic=409
Kyledove - Some overworld tiles
SailorVicious - Some overworld tiles
hek-el-grande, light-pa, zerudez, phyromatical - Lava/volcanic tiles
Flurmimon - A few cave tiles
Rayquaza Dot - Some overworld tiles
ChaoticCherryCake - Truck from Public Tiles
~ Map modifications and 50/60's Kanto ~
DogzNDogz113, from "PS: The First Journey"
~ Music ~
FRLG Midis ripped by MarinaraSauce
注:地图在替换之后会顶替掉ESS原版的地图,若要添加请自行做好自己的地图备份。Remastered and rearranged by AenaonDogsky