Instance variables 实例变量
As the name suggests, instance variables are variables bound to class instances and its scope. Whereas local variables exist in one scope only, instance variables are carried by the instance/object of the class. The difference between local variables and instance variables is that the latter always start with 1 ‘@’. Whether or not the letter after that is uppercase or lowercase doesn’t matter.
If you were to try this with local variables (without the @), it would perform age = 10 in def initialize, but then that method ends and the variable is gone again. Then calling print_age would try to access a non-existent variable, because there’s no local variable defined in print_age called age.
在上面的例子中,如果你不使用实例变量,而是使用局部变量的话,也就是age = 10,那么在初始化方法结束之后,这个变量没有了,你无法在print_age中调用age。
This is solved by using instance variables. These variables exist as long as the object they’re in exists. We can’t directly access this variable from outside of the class though, nor on the object itself (var). You have to be in the class to manipulate instance variables. For this you need to create helper methods, methods that allow you to read and write to the variable from the outside. This is pretty basic:
But that’s convoluted and annoying to do for every single instance variable (if it’s a big class, you can easily have dozens of instance variables). That’s why we can create getter and setter methods. Getter methods are basically just methods with the same name as the instance variable, which return the value of said instance variable (exactly the same as get_age but with a different name). Setters are a bit different though. Rather than set_age(10), setter methods allow you to use assignment with = to call the method (yes, assignment is also a method!)
First to demonstrate the getter method:
Next comes the setter method:
So when you create a method with an equal sign = at the end of the method name, that method will be treated as an assignment method, with =.
There’s really no need for getter and setter methods, unless you want the instance variable to BE public and to be used outside of the class itself.
These getter and setter methods can be very useful, but it’s a lot to write if you have a lot of instance variables. That’s why there are shortcuts for these getters and setters:
attr_reader: This is the getter method. Equal to def age in the previous examples.
attr_writer: This is the setter method. Equal to def age=(v) in the previous examples.
attr_accessor: This is both the getter and the setter method. Equal to def age and def age=(v) in the previous examples.
attr also means Attribute. Attribute reader (getter), Attribute writer (setter), Attribute accessor (getter + setter).
To use these shortcuts, you choose the keyword followed by a colon :, followed by the name of the instance variable. When used, it will basically turn into the proper method(s) in the order you wrote them. This means that you can overwrite the functionality later, if you want, just by typing out the method and implementing your desired functionality (just like a normal method).